Twenty Questions:
Why New Covenant
Christians Should Object To Tithing
Written by:
Alyssa Korzeniewski & John J. Vuckovich Jr.
Contributions & Edited by:
Bobby Kmiec
To begin with, we need to ask
ourselves these questions: What did
tithe mean in Bible times and what are we told it means today? The word tithe
has been re-imagined and redefined.
Today: Today it means all saints pay 10% of their total INCOME from
each pay period and is given to the “Church.”
Old Testament: It was never an ALL across the board
requirement as is observed today. Only those who were farmers dealing with
crops and livestock met the criteria to tithe. In the OT there are no Bible
examples of tithing off of one’s income.
1.) Is the so-called
“Biblical Principle” on tithing supported by Old Testament accounts?
“Thou shalt
truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth
year by year.” ~ Deuteronomy 14:22.
Introduction/Explanation: Although most of Christendom views tithing as an income derived
financial support system for the Institutional “Church” today, the Mosaic ceremonial
law on tithing did not come from one’s income or assets. They were first
fruits from the seed of the field. In the case of the Hebrew national, both
produce and livestock were tagged for tithing, but only if one owned an inheritance of land. In other words, tithing
was an agricultural food program commanded of the LORD to the Hebrew landowner commencing
with the writing of this particular Mosaic ceremonial law. A Mosaic ceremonial
law only applied to Hebrews within the boarders of Israel. But, not every
ceremonial law applied to every Hebrew. Some of these laws had stipulations
attached to them. In the case of the law on tithing, one had to possess an
inheritance of land to be eligible to tithe. Those who didn’t, save the Levite,
couldn’t tithe. To tithe without permission was to break the law.
The Levite only tithed off of the tithes they received from
the landowner. He gave a tenth of the best that he received to the Aaronic
priests. The priests never tithed. They ate the tithe as part of the ceremony.
The rest of the tithes throughout the nation were eaten in rejoicing and
celebration unto the LORD God. This was the main purpose of the tithe in
This Mosaic Ceremonial law never translated into the
Christian culture of our day (or on our shores) as a commandment from God. The
fact is that only one portion of the Mosaic Law (the Moral portion), is
universal to all men. This is noteworthy because the Ceremonial and Judicial portions of the Mosaic Law do not (and
never did) apply to us here in America (or in any other land). The reason is
simple; our ceremonial and judicial laws wouldn’t be in effect within the
jurisdiction of Israel any more than their laws would apply to us in ours.
The Mosaic form of tithing was much different than the old
Gentile custom of tithing. The Gentile method was well established even before
the Hebrew became a separate people. Even before Abram was conceived, tithing
was a form of tribute to kings and other rulers of ancient Bible times. In
fact, money was widely used as a means of trade. So, the argument that the Hebrew economy was
limited to agriculture as a means of commerce is vastly inaccurate. Money is
mentioned in the book of Job, considered by many a pre-flood book. There is
also a Genesis account of Abraham buying a burial cave for his deceased wife Sarah
for 400 pieces of silver, (Genesis 23:1-15). These two books, and their historical
accounts occurred way before the Law was given to Moses in Exodus.
The concept of tithing wasn’t a new one when Abraham came on
the scene. When Abram tithed in Genesis, he gave ten percent of what was known
as “the spoils of the slaughter of the
kings.” These ‘spoils’ were not Abram’s income. Nor were they assets. They
were simply spoils of war, (Hebrews 7:4). These were not agricultural products
and animals farmed out in Israel, because Israel didn’t even exist! They were spoils; items taken in time of war. Also,
what is seldom mentioned among tithing proponents is that the other ninety
percent of these ‘spoils’ were given to the king of Sodom (save what Abram’s
men ate on the returning journey). Abram kept nothing for himself. Abram’s
assets were located at his homestead in the opposite direction. When he met the
kings of Salem and Sodom, he hadn’t yet reached his home.
All of the food (minus what the servants ate), clothes,
money, livestock and sundries were spoils of war, not an income. He had only
taken and then transported the spoils. Hence, he couldn’t count them among his
assets since he had no intention of keeping them. It’s as though one party had
given me $100 to immediately give to another party. I would simply be the
courier. God gave the spoils to Abram to be passed along to the kings of Salem
and Sodom. The only difference being that Abram freely gave the king of Sodom back
what was originally taken from him on account that Abram didn’t want people to
think that he became great because of an generous earthly benefactor, (Genesis
14:22-24). The tithe he gave to the king of Salem was the best of the spoils.
It was a tribute as was the custom of the day. But, the other ninety percent
was given back to the king of Sodom, not as a tribute, but as a statement that
God would get all of the glory for the victory and Abram’s greatness among the
people was due to Him alone. It also stated that he had no particular allegiance
to the kingdom of Sodom whatsoever.
Moving forward… In a Hebrew agricultural year, there were
three harvests reaped ~ (spring, summer, and fall). Tithing was commanded from
“all the increase” year by year. Thy only break in this cycle was the seventh
year where the LORD God commanded there be no sowing and reaping. On the
seventh year the land was to have its rest, (Leviticus 25:1-7). Therefore, no
sowing was done in the field and no tithe was given. The only other exception
is if there was no increase. This could be due to the fact that famines
occurred from time to time. This happened mostly because the behavior of the people
was displeasing to the LORD God who was responsible for giving the increase.
To be precise, an asset and an increase are two different
things. An asset is something you own that has a particular value or worth. An
increase is simply something more than what we had before. Not too many men
have an increase of hair after a certain age (except in the nose and ear
areas). In the case of the Israeli landowner who was commanded to tithe off of
all of the increase, this meant that there had to be a starting point. The
starting point in this case was year one of the tithe cycle. Whatever the
amount reaped, ten percent of it was already earmarked for the Master’s
bidding. This was the tithe. His bidding was spelled out in the law on tithing.
The ninety percent that was left became the landowner’s assets. Since the
firstfruits (ten percent off the top belonged to God) the landowner couldn’t
count it among his assets. This is why none of Abram’s tithe, nor the tithes
from the Hebrew landowners were from their own personal assets.
To delve a little deeper into this increase equation, we have to consider what happened in year two of
the tithe cycle. Let’s say that our benchmark for number of bushels yielded in
year one was one hundred. Whatever amount (over one hundred) in year number two
was what was tithed. Remember, the LORD said, “all the increase… year by year.” The LORD wants to show His
blessings. What better way than to increase the crop yields from year to year?
Let’s say that year number two yielded two hundred bushels? That’s an increase
of 100%! What a blessing, eh? In todays market this would be considered a
miracle. And, that’s exactly what the LORD wanted to show His people. He wanted
to show that He is a miracle working God.
Now here comes the tricky part. Here’s where most people
misunderstand the LORD’s concept of tithing. In year two of the tithe cycle,
the amount tithed should be ten percent of the increase. If the increase from the year before were one hundred bushels, then
the farmer would tithe just ten bushels. Why not twenty bushels? Because, the
increase was “year by year,” not every two or three. The landowner had to tithe
off of the increased amount only.
This would mean that his personal assets would increase almost double. Since
his net yield increased, his wealth increased. The tithe off of the increase was
already earmarked for the LORD God. That was His asset alone, not the landowner’s. God brought the increase into
being, not the farmer. I believe that one purpose of God’s tithe was to show up
man’s method of tithing. Man’s tithe started out as a tribute to a king. God’s
tithe was a tribute to the KING of kings. By tithing in this way, the landowner’s
assets increased. As the landowner’s wealth increased, so did the might of
Israel in the eyes of their enemies. And, there was still more than enough of a
portion to go around for a food program. Isn’t God’s concept of tithing a whole
lot better than what we could dream up?
All assets were God’s until
He allowed the landowner to have 90% of what was left. We have this idea that it’s
all ours, and then we give ten
percent to God. We’ve got it all backwards. It’s all His until He
allowed them to have ninety percent. All He ever wanted was for His people to
love Him, obey Him, and do what He asked. One of those things was to observe
His blessing on the land. When He gave an increase from the year before, all He
wanted was ten percent from that increase, (Deuteronomy 14:22). The only time
this progression (from years one through six) was interrupted was because
either the tithe cycle had run it’s course (year number seven, when the land
rested), or the people disobeyed God and He’d had enough. It wasn’t a difficult
concept to grasp. Where we got mixed up was when the clergy got a hold of the
idea to present tithing their way and into the Institutional Church. This is
where the business of “Church” began in Europe and America.
Today’s tithing concept benefits paid professionals we call,
“pastors” or “priests.” Today’s ‘income tithe’ is what generally pays the bills
of a business many call “the Church.” However, the church in the New Testament
is always defined as people. It’s never referred to as a brick and mortar structure
or a business organization. This difference in perception alone alters what
Scripture teaches about the tithe.
In the Old Testament, there were many people who had
different occupations. Many of these merchants and craftsmen possessed no inheritance
of land; therefore they were not permitted to tithe as unto the Law. The Law
stated that a tithe was to be derived from the “increase of thy seed that the field bringeth forth year by year.” Those
who didn’t own land were prohibited from tithing. The tithe from landowners was
split among the Levite, stranger, fatherless, and widows in the third and sixth
years of the seven year tithe cycle, (Deuteronomy 14:29).
The first, second, fourth and fifth years, the tithe was to
be taken to a city where the LORD placed His name. There, the tithe would be
celebrated (and eaten) in the time of harvest among family and friends. In the
third and sixth years of the tithe cycle, the Levite, orphan, widow and
stranger, who couldn’t own land, received the
tithe within their city’s gates. In those years, the ‘tither’ would give all of
his tithes away, consuming none for himself or his family.
Again, tithing was an Old Testament social food program to help the
needy and disadvantaged. Today, the needy and disadvantaged, with everyone else
in the “Church” are expected to tithe and support healthy capable men just
because they have had the title of “pastor” conferred on them. If we think about it, if
today’s “Churches” get their instructions on tithing from the Mosaic Law, then
why don’t they tithe as prescribed by the Law? Do we see them tithe to certain
people, in certain places, in a commanded tithe cycle, as did the Hebrew? Does
the “Church” know any Levites to give a tenth to? Are we landowners and farmers
within the boarders of Israel? No!
By observing a portion of the Law, and proclaiming that they
are not under the Law, isn’t the “Church” guilty of breaking that law with
their spiritual double-talk? Since when is the “Church” permitted to rearrange
God’s Mosaic Law for their own benefit? This can only be the work of man. Men
specifically dedicated to the upkeep and survival of a business entity. In this
case, we’re talking about a business organization we know of as an
Institutional Church. The men responsible for this income-tithing lie are the
clergy. These are the ones who profit from it.
The idea that pastors be paid a wage from the church body is
opposite of Paul’s instructions to the elders (a.k.a. pastors, bishops, and overseers)
at Ephesus, (Acts 20). Paul calls the elders to the
ministry, not any one man per assembly. These elders are to share in the
teaching, feeding and shepherding of a local church body. The context of Acts
20 is found in verse 20, “And from
Miletus he sent to Ephesus, and called the elders of the church.” The rest
of this chapter Paul is speaking to elders (pastors). He says to them in verse
35, “I have shewed you [pastors] all things, how that so labouring ye
[pastors] ought to support the weak, and
to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.” The only examples of
ministers receiving money is what we today call, MISSIONARIES. Back then they
were called, evANGELists. ‘Angel’
means messenger. Evangelists, like Paul went to areas where no churches existed,
and preached the gospel. They gave the message of salvation in Christ to all
that could hear. Only then did he established churches in people’s homes. NEVER
is there an example or principle of PASTORS/ELDERS being paid to feed the
flocks they ministered to.
As we can see from the above accounts, there is no bridge
from the Mosaic Ceremonial law on tithing into New Covenant theology. Any
assertion that promotes such nonsense is solely from man’s imagination. God
never commanded a Christian Gentile people to tithe; nor did He assert that
tithing is a “Biblical Principle” for His church body.
More details of some of what has already has been stated
will follow so that we can see a clearer picture of tithing in today’s world.
2.) Was
money intended to be the instrument used to promote God’s work?
It all depends on how we define “work.” In Christian
circles, the word work has been used
to describe the production of a brick and mortar structure, or the building up
of a Para-Church program. In Jesus’ day the words, work, ministry, and church
had to do with REAL PEOPLE. New Testament church building invested money
directly into the lives of other believers and those in serious need of relief.
We have abandoned this Biblical mindset and instead invest in buildings and
payrolls. To put it another way, the early church spent money building people,
whereas today we use people’s money to build buildings. Which is the better
testimony? To give to people in need; or a building we don’t need? Modern day
believers can’t give as the early church because their money is all committed
to brick and mortar structures and paid professionals (a.k.a pastors). Only a
very small percentage goes to clothe and feed those truly in need.
3.) Was
Money used in Israel back when the Law was given?
As stated briefly in point number one, people claim that the
tithe was from animals because there was no money in the Old Testament. This is
not true. They did have money even as far back as Genesis; “he had named in the audience of the sons of Heth, four hundred shekels
of silver, current money with the merchant.”
~ Genesis 23:16. The tithe was crops and livestock, of which God gave the
increase. The tithe was never intended to be money. The only notable exception
was when the tither’s load was too large to physically transport from one city
to the other to celebrate the tithe.
In this case, the Bible says, if the trip was too far, or
the tithe load was too large, the tither could exchange their tithe for money
and then exchange the money back for
crops or livestock after they arrived in the celebratory city where the LORD chose
the Harvest to be celebrated. “… if the way be too long for thee, so that thou
art not able to carry it; or if the place be too far from thee, which the LORD
thy God shall choose to set his name there, when the LORD thy God hath blessed
thee: Then shalt thou turn it into money,
and bind up the money in thine hand, and shalt go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall choose: And
thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen,
or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul
desireth: and thou shalt eat there before the LORD thy God, and thou
shalt rejoice, thou, and thine household.” ~ Deuteronomy 14:24-26.
We can see here that if our pastor wants us to follow Old
Covenant tithing, it needs to be crops and livestock. We see here in Matthew
23, that the practice of tithing was still being followed. “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,
hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law,
judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the
other undone.” Jesus told the Pharisee before His blood was shed and the
New Covenant given, that they ought to tithe off of spices (seeds of the field),
not money.
4.) Should
we give more under grace than under the law?
Sure, but we should give to people, not support pastoral
paychecks, and huge church building budgets. How much of what we give today
through our church goes to needy people? Perhaps a tiny bit at most. What if we
took all that we give and gave it to people around us in need? They would see
our faith and lives would be changed. Christians would have influence and we
just might see revival. Instead of
church being the one who takes, we should be known as people who give to those
in need in abundance.
5.) The early
church sometimes met in the temple, so shouldn't we support church buildings
with our tithe?
No. The church didn’t meet in synagogues to have church
meetings or a love feast. In fact, there was no such thing as a "Church Service" as we know them today. They were using the synagogue as a field to sow the
gospel and reap souls for God. Because of this, its safe to conclude that the
early church had no intentions of taking up a collection or demand a tithe to
pay for their own building to meet in. They were already meeting in homes. The
“love feast” (Jude 12) is another name for the Lord’s Supper. It was an evening
meal, which took place in a house, not a place of worship.
Of course, the religious establishment didn’t take this soul
winning business lying down. Christians were soon kicked out of what the Jewish
elders perceived as ‘their turf.’ The early church won souls outside of where
they met and often went where lost souls were hanging out. The temple and
synagogues were the social hubs of that day. This would be like us today going
into a Muslim Mosque and telling everyone about Jesus. We might be able to get
the gospel to some, but sooner or later the mosque’s leaders are sure to find
out what we are doing and kick us out faster than we can say, ‘Ali Baba.’ This
is what happened in Acts 5: “… when
the high priest and the
captain of the temple and the chief priests heard these things, they doubted of
them whereunto this would grow. Then came one and told them, saying, Behold, the men whom ye put in prison are standing in the
temple, and teaching the people, they had called the apostles, and beaten them, they commanded that they should
not speak in the name of Jesus” ~ Acts 5:24-40.
6.) Didn't
Melchizedek receive tithes from Abraham? (Genesis 14:20-24)
No. Melchizedek (king of Salem) received tithes from Abram. Abraham wasn’t yet established as
the Father of Israel. And, he did NOT tithe off of His income. Again, Abram gave
90 percent to the king of Sodom, and 10 percent to Melchizedek (the best of the
spoils of war). This is totally different than the tithe in the Mosaic Law. Abram
(later known as Abraham) was not suggested or required by God to give a tithe. A historical search will reveal
this was a pagan Gentile custom of the day. Furthermore, Abram’s 10% was
nothing remotely close to what Jews practiced under the Law. To use Abraham as
an example to establish precedence for income tithing is poor hermeneutics.
Circumcision, and sacrificial altars are before the law and after the law as
well. Should we observe those practices today?
There are three main components of the Law:
(1) Ceremonial laws: Temple,
priest, Passover, circumcision, abstaining from certain meats (we are not bound
by this anymore)
(2) Civil laws: These were judicial
laws put in place for the land of Israel: For example: tithing for farmers
(we’re not bound by this).
(3) Moral laws: This part of the law is base on
God’s character, which never changes for example: Don’t lie, Don’t steal (this
we still follow).
We have to consider that there are 612 (or 613) laws, depending
on who one believes to be more accurate. In other words, there were plenty of
laws to go around and be shared among the three divisions of the Law. A small
fraction was reserved for all men, that being the moral laws. Even if we
understood the civil and ceremonial portions of the Law, we here in America
wouldn’t know what to do with them.
7.) Did
Jesus tell the Pharisee to tithe in Matthew 23?
This is a verse that many people take out of context and say
this is justification for tithing in the New Testament, Matthew 23, “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,
hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law,
judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other
undone.” Jesus was again talking to a Jew before the New Covenant was given. Remember,
His blood was not yet shed at this point. The Jews still were under the Old
Covenant until He died on the cross. When this happened, they no longer needed
to tithe. What were they tithing? That is the real question we should ask. The
answer? They were tithing off of spices, not their income! Magically
superimposing money over spices as a tithe, and sighting Matt 23 as a proof
text to carry on income tithing is wresting the Scriptures. Not only is it
deceitful, but it stinks of Satan.
8.) What do I tell
people who claim tithing came before the law?
Tithing today is observed in Mosaic Ceremonial Law idealism,
but not in practice. The Institutional Church has made up their own tithing
rules as they’ve grown into a social power. They’ve seemed to combine the
ancient Gentile way of tithing with the Mosaic law on tithing. In essence, they
have produced their own hybrid brand of the tithe. The clergy today are keeping
people under the old covenant, while stating that we’re not under the law. Is
anyone confused yet? It says in the Bible,
“verily they
that are of the sons of Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood, have a
commandment to take tithes of the people
according to the law, that is, of their brethren, though they come out of
the loins of Abraham” ~ Hebrews 7:5.
This verse shows us that tithing was part of Moses’ Law, but
it does not predate Moses law. If tithes should be given to the Levite, why not
give it to a Levite today? They will say there aren’t any Levites. All
believers are the priesthood now, we have a new covenant, ”Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house,
an holy priesthood, to offer up
spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.” ~ 1 Peter
2:5. The problem is that later on in Hebrews 7 the Scriptures teach that a
new priesthood has replaced the old Levitical priesthood. The new Head Priest
is Jesus, and He came from the tribe of Juda, of which Moses said nothing
concerning the tithe. If tithing doesn’t apply to our new Head Priest because
His heritage is from Juda (and NOT Levi), then it doesn’t apply to us as
members of His priesthood.
9.) Why
didn't Jesus tithe or command His disciples to tithe?
The custom of the day was for a son to follow in the steps
of His father. Jesus was a carpenter then (Matthew 13:55), not a farmer. The
tithe wasn’t required of Him. He was never a landowner under the Old Covenant,
but once His blood was shed we received a New Covenant, “this is my
blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” ~ Matthew 26:28.
10.) Did
Jacob tithe?
No, he made a deal with God. It was conditional and we never see him fulfill it. “Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will
keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to
put on, So that I come again to my father's house in peace; then shall the
LORD be my God: I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house: and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely
give the tenth unto thee.” ~ Genesis 28:22.
11.) Why
wasn't the New Testament church told to tithe?
If tithing were so important why didn't they tell the new
converts? It's clear what has happened here. We have put the traditions of man
above the Word of God, “That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from
blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye
keep yourselves, ye shall do well.” ~ Acts 15:29. There was no need
to tithe under the New Covenant because believers met in homes and had no
expenses to worry about. Men taught the Word of God because they wanted to, not
because their paycheck depended on it.
12.) Didn't
the tithe cross all dispensational time?
No. Tithing, as we perceive it was not established until
Mosaic Law was given; then it was done away with at the cross. By the time
Abraham comes on the scene almost half of earth’s history (2,500 years of time)
had passed. Think about that. Almost half of the Bible’s timeline has no Mosaic
tithing! Again, the New Testament bears out in the above verse from Hebrews
that tithing was rooted in the LAW not a precedence set that pre-dated the Law
with Father Abraham.
13.) Didn't the
widow who gave her mite tithe?
”Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more
in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all they did cast in
of their abundance; but she of her want did
cast in all that she had, even all her living.” ~ Mark
12:43. No, that was certainly not a tenth for her substance; it was ALL she
had. What’s more, it wasn't required for her to give anything. She did
willingly, not because she had to, but because she wanted to. This is what Jesus
was teaching.
14.) When
we attempt to redefine words and practices like the tithe aren’t we being
dishonest and corrupting the Word of God?
“But have
renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor
handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth
commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.” ~ 2
Corinthians 4:2. Anytime we take it upon ourselves to steer people on a
wrong course using the Bible as a proof text is dishonest and corrupt. Let this
not be mentioned once among us.
15.) Modern
day tithing robs believers of the opportunity to give to the real church,
(people in need), Doesn’t this rob us from following in the footsteps of the
early church?
How often do we have to turn away a need in our own family
to give our “tithe” to the “Church” building and its professionals? More times
than not we are taught by good meaning men to forgo paying an urgent utility bill
in the dead of winter in favor of paying the tithe. Sure, it’s exciting to watch the Lord bail us
out from under our own ignorance, but this cycle becomes very stressful after a
16.) Any
time believers try to live under the Old Testament Law aren’t they placing
themselves back into bondage?
Galatians 2:4, “And
that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy
out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage:”
Galatians 5:1, “Stand
fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not
entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”
17.) To
tithe is a disgrace to grace. Jesus took all the ordinances “out of the way
nailing them to His cross.” Why would one take off the cross that which Jesus
crucified with Himself and place it on themselves?
“For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken
down the middle wall of partition between us; Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments
contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making
peace;” ~ Ephesians 2:14-15.
“Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against
us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his
cross,” ~ Colossians 2:14.
18) What
about Luke 6:38?
“Give, and it
shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and
running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye
mete withal it shall be measured to you again.”
One of the famous ways today’s paid-professionals fleece the
flock is by isolating verses from their context. Using this verse to acquire
financial gain is another example of this. What is the context of this saying?
I would suggest we consider the context: Luke 6 is a parallel passage to
Matthew 5-7 (a.k.a. the Sermon on the Mount, specifically Matthew 7:1-2).
Secondly, to narrow down the thought more, back up to verse
27. Thirdly, notice verse 37. Notice it ends in a colon. This means the Holy
Spirit is not yet finished penning His thought through Luke. This colon TIES
verse 37 to verse 38. This approach to understanding the Scriptures is just and
acceptable. According to Isaiah 28:10, “For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon
line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little.” God is saying
whether we judge, condemn, or forgive (verse 37) our reaction is going to come
back even more (verse 38). Just another way of saying, “we reap what we sow.”
19) What is
the storehouse?
The storehouse was part of the temple that was built to keep
the grain that Old Testament Jews were giving as a tithe to the poor, priest
and disadvantage people. The temple was destroyed and is no longer needed since
Christ died on the cross. The animal sacrifices were stopped along with Old
Testament tithing, and the priests. Now we believers are all priests who can go
to God without a priest as a mediator. We have to forfeit our own priesthood to
accept the idea that the clergy should be performing (in part) as priests for us under the New Covenant.
20) Is the
corporate business “Church” a Prostitute?
“The church is called the “Body of Christ” But “when a literal 'Body' becomes
a Business, it becomes a prostitute.
I'll explain... A bride loves her groom unconditionally with no thought of a
return. A prostitute loves too,
but for a price! When she doesn't get paid any longer, she stops the love. If the
Institutional 'Church' model of Satan's imagination is money driven, then what
we have on our hands, ladies and gentlemen, is a prostitute. We pay into it and it loves us back. The second we
withdraw our financial support, the love goes away. If we are paying tithes to
get the 'Church' to pay attention to us, then we are paying a prostitute-like, money-driven,
business organization we wrongfully call a 'Church Body.' Selling a 'body' is
called, prostitution. It is
an enterprise for gain. The problem we suffer today is, well-meaning men, who
were wrongly taught, are spewing this false doctrine on tithing out of
ignorance.” - unknown.
“men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing
that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.” ~ 1 Timothy 6:5.
We pray
that these twenty questions will provoke us to ponder our stance on tithing,
but also that it is used as a self-examination tool so that we can show others
the truth established in God’s Word about the tithe, the church and our
*Sources cited from
KJV Bible, My personal friends John Vuckovich (former IFB church leader) &
Bobby Kmiec (writer of Visit or for more information about tithing and the New
Covenant church.
It looks great Bobby thank you for all of your help with this!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, Alyssa. And, thank you and John for putting this together.
DeleteFirst off I would like to say terrific blog! I had a quick question which I'd like
ReplyDeleteto ask if you don't mind. I was interested to find out how you center yourself and clear your head before
writing. I've had trouble clearing my mind in getting
my thoughts out. I truly do take pleasure in writing but it
just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are generally lost simply just trying to figure out how to begin. Any
ideas or tips? Cheers!
Here is my blog :: David Rohl
Thank you for your comments, David.
DeleteAlthough this blog site is mine, the article you chose to comment on was a collaboration between myself and two of my friends. From time to time I will allow guests to offer a written piece or idea and format or contribute to the piece myself. I'd say that the other 95% of the blogs articles are mine.
Getting started on an article is something that occurs when I am stimulated with an idea that fits the blogs agenda. Clearing my head isn't so much a challenge as thinking faster than I can type. I am an artist. I draw and paint realism scenes and portraits. When I get an idea for what I want to capture on canvas, I simply focus on the essentials of what I have in my mind. Every piece begins with a sketch. Then I fill in the details trimming here and adding there until the work resembles what I had in mind to begin with. When I get an idea for an article, I seem to be focused only on the meat and potatoes of the thoughts I'd like to express in words. That's the landscape, if you will. I begin with the background as a base, I then fill in the details over that base (a mountain and faint foliage in the background) as I go.
Sadly, I am not a writer; just a hacker. The most important thing for me is to offer a perspective the majority of Christians have missed about Christ's true assemblies. I want to raise questions in their minds such as, "Is Christ's church an business Organization, or a living Organism?" Or, "How did our modern day 'Church' come to be when I read of so many inconsistencies to the contrary in Scripture?" My goal is to jog believers into being true disciples of Christ and read His Word from a perspective not offered by professional clergy. I want them to think and investigate for themselves. I want them to use the mind God gave them to discern the difference between the 'Church Industrial Complex' of man's design and Christ's true, authentic, local, physical, Biblical churches of His design. The former did not evolve from the latter, I can assure you. They are from two different strands of DNA. One is counterfeit, the other organic.
This blog lays out the differences inside many articles from different perspectives. If one doesn't click with a reader, perhaps a different angle on the same subject may open their eyes.
I am gratified that you approve of the site in general and hope that it helps others by sharing.
Thank you again and God Blessings on you.
Awesome post.
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