Fourteen Propositions for Today’s Church
Theses For The Church Today
By: Rick Sundblad
By: Rick Sundblad
THE BIBLE NOT MEN: Traditions flowing from unbiblical practices and decrees of
men are followed and believed as authoritative, neglecting the authority of
biblical traditions and practices found in the New Testament.
IS NOT BETTER: The Sunday church service, generally consisting of large
impersonal gatherings, has become the focal point of what many church
congregations strive for, keeping meaningful contact of members with other
members minimal as best.
NOT PROGRAMS: Churches have adopted a program based agenda with strict
schedules and events which members may or may not take part in, leading to
compartmentalized lives of the members, instead of a life sharing people focus.
NOT IGNORANCE: For centuries church meetings have basically focused on one
specially trained person leading from the front, ignoring a vast resource of
life experience sitting in the pews.
NOT LORDS: Since the time of Ignatius there has been a distinct separation of
clergy and laity. Higher education required for church leaders has fostered an
elitism in the ranks of professional clerics. The Apostles were instructed by
the Lord and understood they were no more special than the rest of the church.
NOT RITUALS: The Lord’s Supper has been turned into a ritual, which some
churches teach has redemptive effects, instead of a full meal to encourage
biblical fellowship with the Lord and other members of His body.
NOT PROFESSORS: Church “members” who are Christian in name only make up a large
segment of the church, true born again believers are failing to “contend
earnestly for the faith, once and for all, delivered to the Saints”.
8. INVESTORS NOT INDOCTRINATORS: The usual method for discipleship consists of content
dumping via predigested literature, instead of the biblical example of life
NOT PROXIES: Churches enlist volunteers and hire people they don’t know to
teach our children, voiding the biblical mandate for parents to train their
BODY NOT THE BUDGET: Finances are used to meet budgets to keep the operations
of the church running, small portions, if any, are used to meet the needs of
the body.
DISCERNMENT NOT SUCCESSFUL DECISIONS: A worldly business model, encouraged by
successful businessmen, is the method used in churches to insure success. The
“if it works, it must be OK” pragmatic mentality is rampant, instead of truly
allowing the Holy Spirit direct the matters at hand.
NOT ENTERTAINING: Entertaining church attendees, whether by elaborate music,
eye-pleasing props, emotional rituals, or skilled oratory, is a necessary part
of what churches do today, no such thing is instructed in the New Testament.
NOT PROSPECTS: Evangelism has become a rote procedure seeing people as
potential prospects, instead of an every moment life witness causing people to
ask us to give a reason for the hope that is in us.
DAILY COMPANION NOT A DUST COLLECTOR: Daily reading and study of the Bible is
not the priority it should be, devotion to the Word of God was held high among
the early believers.
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