1Samuel 4:21-22,
"And she named the child Ichabod, saying, The glory is departed
from Israel: because the ark of God was taken, and because of her father in law
and her husband. 22 And she said, The glory is departed from Israel: for
the ark of God is taken"
*Note: When the author renders the
word ‘Church’ as shown, he is referring to the Main Stream, Business Entity,
Institutional ‘Church’ System most
are familiar with. When he renders the word church in all lower case letters,
he is referring to Christ’s Authentic, Legitimate Home based church, which He
created and continues to build.
read 1Sam 3 & 4 to get the whole picture of this incident.
The ark was not just a symbol of God's power for the nation of
Israel. It was a conduit of God's power so long as God chose to use this
instrument for His glory. Other nations knew and feared this power. Although
they did not understand it as the nation of Israel did, they understood that
when it was around, God's power would emanate from it to destroy any people who
dared challenge this little nation. They knew of the stories of how the God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob obliterated the mighty Egyptian armies that day on the
shores of the Red Sea. They were afraid.
something happened. God was about to make good on His vow regarding the judge
Eli. The LORD had Promised that his house would be judged for the
iniquities of his sons and Eli's disregard for their sins against God. They had
little or no regard for the power of God. This was evident by their lack of
interest in the ways of God. So, even though the Philistines were afraid, they
decided to die like men and they marched on Israel anyway. But, for the house
of Eli, it was time to pay the Piper! The LORD withheld His mighty power
against the Philistines and the ark became silent. Thirty thousand Israelite
footmen fell that day and the ark of God was taken. Our lesson is about to
begin. Let us now focus our minds eye on today.
a Saturday afternoon a man hears a knock at his door. Standing at his doorway is
a man who claims to be visiting the neighborhood to introduce himself. After
some chit-chat he asks a question; "If you were to die today, do you
know where you'd go?" Being new to the question, the resident answers
with an honest heart and admits that he does not. The friendly man asks if he
might take a moment and show him that he could
know. He agrees and he starts out explaining God's simple plan of salvation.
The resident believes on Jesus Christ to save his soul and he instantly and
wonderfully becomes a child of God.
scenario occurs thousands of times through any given week in our neighborhoods
across America. Thousands have been gloriously saved because of those who put
forth the effort to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, and I thank God for each
of them. Now begins the task of discipleship. The new babe in Christ needs to
be taught about his Saviour and how He expects him to behave and grow. The
preacher invites him to have Bible studies in his home. When the newborn
arrives he finds others who were approached in the same manner and have been
saved as well. He is meeting his new spiritual family for the first time. He is
instructed about baptism and the Lord's Supper. He complies willingly and
begins his new journey as an ambassador of Christ.
weeks and months of being taught the fundamentals of the faith, the disciple
grasps the concept of leading others to Christ and he begins showing newly
saved people the ropes of soul winning. His wife and children are saved. His
extended family is saved. Some of his friends get saved. Some of his co-workers
are saved. This growing assembly meets on a regular basis in different homes.
They share God's Word from house to house and witness to the lost on a regular
basis. They learn to follow the Holy Spirit's leading and don't just witness on
Saturdays, but wherever the Spirit leads. It is no longer a duty to them. It
becomes a lifestyle and a mission.
to the flock, they are being taught by a man who was sent from an Institutional
‘Church’ to plant ‘like-Churches’ in the area. What’s wrong with this? Plenty!
What we may assume is being formed as a church of Jesus Christ isn’t that at
all. I’ll explain. An Institutional ‘Church’ sends out its so-called missionaries and
‘Church’ planters to reproduce themselves as an Organizational business entity, not a New Covenant assembly.
It’s so close to what we would understand as true church planting that we do not
recognize the difference. To be blunt, the genes of a Jackal cannot Produce a lamb. Their DNA’s are totally
different and incompatible. So it is with an Institutional Church' trying to spawn Christ's New Covenant house church. They just aren't compatible. Their bloodlines don't mix.
house church never evolved into the Institutional model. The home church came
through Jesus’ bloodline. The Institutional ‘Church’ System came from Satan’s bloodline.
That’s the bottom line. The only reason why the Gospel is in some Institutional ‘Churches’ is a
result of Organizational survival. Many years ago, when “The CHURCH” was a
Theocracy and governed the people, a few noticed that Scripture stated that
faith was to be in a Saviour, not the ‘Church.’ When those in power saw that
the public smelled a rat, they relented and embraced the Gospel (or a
counterfeit of it) so that the average subject wouldn’t leave, as did so many
others. Apart from that, the Institutional ’Church’ has taught more of man’s
traditions than God’s. It became an ecclesiastical business. But, the house
church continued to survive and grow outside of Institutionalism. Why? Because
Christ’s authentic church was never a part of the Institution to begin with. Now let’s see
how the Institutional ‘Church’ pastor / planter springs his trap.
day the pastor announces that their congregation has gotten too big to manage
from house to house and that something needs to be done. He explains that he
was trained in Bible College how to grow a church Properly. He explains
that every growing ‘Church’ reaches a point in their development when they need
to branch out, take a leap of faith and search for a permanent meeting place.
So, they find a school gymnasium, or a community center they could rent for a
couple of days throughout the week while they search for a permanent piece of Property
to be purchased. The congregation asks, "How do we pay for this new
endeavor?" The pastor gently guides them into a doctrine called
Tithing' (a.k.a. Income Tithing).
opens up the Bible and teaches what he has been trained to teach. He says, "Turn
in your Bibles to Malachi 3,” and he begins to unfold this new doctrine.
This, my friends, is the beginning of the end. The second the appointed deacons
and trustees sign a bank note for a building is when this pedigree for a
‘Church’ reaches maturity. It happens everyday.
is no longer a small, struggling fellowship that meets for Bible study. It now
has a 'Name.’ It has a corporate name, which is to be
placed upon a sign outside their new structure. It is now a place where they
can have 'Church.’ It has become an Institution. It has become a business
organization. It has filed a tax-free status called a 501c3 with the Federal
government. It has now officially become a Corporation. Ads are placed
in the local phone book to attract new attendees. They hire a staff out of
their congregation and different approved Bible Colleges who interview for
positions as, "Full-time Christian Servants.” In time, an Associate
Pastor is hired to lead the youngsters so that they will not stray into the
more time passes they add different Programs they call “ministries,” like a
nursery and a bus ministry. The Bookstore becomes a reality and so does an
Addiction Program. They eventually see the need for an academy to be
formed so that the children will be educated with a Proven Christian
curriculum. Instructors are found to teach the curriculum during the school
year. A payroll is needed for them. The parents are charged for every child who
attends on top of the tithes they pay. Why? Because a school needs three things
to survive and Prosper; faculty, facilities
and funding. The more students who enroll, the more money is
generated. The more money that is generated, the more can be spent for
expansion. The academy becomes a separate corporation all it's own. To keep
these "ministries" going, more money is needed; and these needs are
met through the faithful ones who tithe, give offerings and pay tuition.
'Church' grows even faster and larger. The pastor becomes a regular speaker at
the conventions and conferences he is invited to. Many are curious how he grew
his 'Church' so big in such a short amount of time. As word spreads, many
families move to his area to be a member of this organization for the
betterment of their family. The pastor even starts a new Bible College on
campus to instruct and train young men and women for the ministry. This also
costs tuition on top of their tithes. The new college grows and expands the
same way the academy has.
might ask, "What's wrong with all of this? Isn't this the way it is
supposed to be?" The answer, sadly is, "No!"
’Church’ has grown as a fixture in its area and has become its own industry. It
never was a local, fellowship, assembly, which met from house to house, was
free in all things and had all things in common. Instead, it was born into a
world of departmentalized enterprises kept together by Proceeds and not Power.
You see, this corporation would never have become the facsimile of a church
that it has become if the pastor never said, "We need to
tithe!" There is NO WAY a body of saved believers could
have gotten into so much debt, without the implementation of the tithe. Take that
away, take the name away, take the bank accounts away and we are back to being
the ever-growing, ever-moving, house to house ekklesia Christ intended.
church was meant to be a whole community of believers, which expands from house
to house, neighborhood to neighborhood, burg to burg, town to town and city to
city. We would become the personification of the kingdom of God. We
would still be local, physical and meet not just two or three times a week. We
would become an everyday lifestyle. We would be an ever-growing,
living organism. We wouldn't be considered "an IT"
to go to and have, as much as, "an Us" to where we just
are! One body, under One ruler; Jesus Christ! Under One Teacher; the
Holy Spirit! No money would be needed to fund Programs, Properties
and Professional leaders. Children would be home schooled by their
parents. Pastors wouldn't be the Prominent ones in the assemblies. They
would be in the background as guides, making sure that doctrine is taught
churches that have morphed into an Institutional model exist as well, but from
the beginning of the church age, this was not so. A Home church that has
forsaken it’s fellowship roots will have a lot to answer for, but Christ’s
authentic and legitimate home church that remains pure will never cease to be a
Add the tithe, and church just wouldn't be 'a church'
anymore. It would become something else with a
new name. Why? Because this new name is a reminder. People of an Institutional
style of 'Church' today have little or no regard for the way Jesus would have
His people be ruled and behave. Those in an Institutional 'Church' may have put
their own biblical sounding name out in front, but God only see's one name
above the door; Ichabod!
name was given by a distraught mother to her newborn son to remind those in the
future of the total dismantlement of the house of Eli and God's withdrawal of
His power once reserved for their benefit. It is said today that God writes
'Ichabod' above the doors of churches that has had His power stripped from
them. Every local assembly that started out under God's model of church and
morphed into an Institutional 'Church' model falls under this category. God
help us to understand His vision of the community He wants for
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